What Can You Do to Make Cellulite Less Visible?
Cellulite is a very common skin condition. Despite the fact that up to 90 percent of all women (and 10 percent of men) will develop it to some degree, it has remained difficult to effectively treat, With that in mind, patients often ask us: “What reduces the look of cellulite?” In Newtown, PA, our team at The Well Lounge offers advice to help minimize the telltale dimpling. First, it’s important to understand what causes it.
Cellulite is a harmless, but often frustrating condition known for causing dimpled or undulating areas on the body, especially on the thighs, buttocks, hips, abdomen, and upper arms. It is sometimes referred to as cottage cheese skin or orange peel skin.
There’s a popular misconception that cellulite is caused by excess fat, but the truth is that anyone can get it regardless of how slim or healthy they are. That said, fat does play a role. The dimpling is caused by the relationship between the underlying structure of skin and the fat stored there. There are fibrous bands of collagen that tether the surface of the skin to the underlying muscle. Fat can build up in between these bands, pushing against the surface of the skin instead of spreading outward, ultimately creating an uneven appearance anywhere the tension causes the bands to pull down and create a pucker.
The ideal way to address cellulite is to relieve the tension, but there are also other ways of minimizing the appearance of the dimples.
Since cellulite is caused by an interaction between bands of collagen and fat, topical skin care products that only affect the surface of the skin usually won’t be very helpful for reducing cellulite dimples. Unlike these products, QWO® is injected directly into treatment area, where its formula targets the bands themselves. As the collagen weakens and breaks down, the tension releases, and the surface appears smoother and more uniform.
Caffeine Creams
Topical products won’t just completely get rid of cellulite, but caffeine creams can temporarily smooth, tighten and soften skin.
Fake Tanners
A tan can certainly help to camouflage cellulite if you have fair skin, but we don’t recommend using sun exposure to darken your skin, since too much exposure to UV rays can weaken the fibers of the skin, making the cellulite look worse and causing other skin problems. Apply a self-tanning lotion all over the body instead of getting a real tan.
The Well Lounge team can explain more about ways to hide or reduce dimpled skin. Call us at 215-360-3940 or fill out a contact form to request an appointment with us if you would like to learn more about cellulite reduction treatments like QWO®.